Java Reference
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The return keyword is optional when used as the last expression in a function
block. However, if you want to return immediately out of an if / else or loop,
you must use an explicit return.
In JavaFX, functions are objects in and of themselves and may be assigned to
variables. For example, to declare a function variable, assign a function to that
variable, and then invoke the function through the variable.
var glowFunction : function(level:Number):Glow;
glowFunction = glow;
Functions definitions can also be anonymous. For example, for a function variable:
var glowFunction: function(level:Number): Glow =
function(level:Number) {
Glow { level: level };
Or, within an object literal declaration:
TextBox {
columns: 20
action: function() {
println("TextBox action");
Use override to override a function from a superclass.
class MyClass {
public function print() { println("MyClass"); }
class MySubClass extends MyClass {
override function print() { println("MySubClass"); }
String Literals
String literals can be specified using either double ( " ) or single ( ' ) quotes. The
main reason to use one over the other is to avoid character escapes within the
string literal—for example, if the string literal actually contains double quotes.
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