Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Overall Design
Briefly mentioned earlier, the application has been architected such that the over-
all game logic and the user interface have been cleanly separated in a relatively
straightforward fashion. As a rule of thumb, source files suffixed with Node are
presentation or interface files, whereas those without the Node moniker are dedi-
cated to providing the logic necessary to play the Sudoku game.
The Logic
The game logic for the Sudoku application is primarily supplied by two JavaFX
classes: Board and Space . The Board class represents a Sudoku board. It has
code to interpret the rules of the game and is ultimately responsible for starting a
new game, determining if an individual move is valid, maintaining the state of
the game, and providing a solution to the puzzle.
The Board class includes a sequence of 81 Space s representing the 9u9 grid of
spaces that make up a standard Sudoku puzzle. At initialization, the Board class
identifies which row, column, and region (or box) each of the 81 Space s belong
to and groups them accordingly. Each Space has instance variables that identify
its row / column / region , and most importantly, a number variable holding the
value that is currently assigned to this space. The value of number is used to
interpret the current state of the Space . Externally, Sudoku spaces can only have
a numeric value ranging from 1-9, or be blank. Internally, the number value for a
Space instance has a larger range. Table 13.3 explains the possible values that
can be assigned to a Space 's number instance variable, and how they affect what
is ultimately displayed to the user.
Ta b l e 1 3 . 3
Range of Internal Values a number Instance Variable Can Be Assigned and How
They Are Ultimately Displayed Externally
Indicates that the space is editable and is
currently blank.
The space will be blank.
Indicates that the space is editable, and
that during play the user has entered a
valid number into the space represented
by the value.
The space will be filled in with a white
number represented by the value.
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