Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 12.23
SliderSkin - calcValue()
function calcValue(per:Number) : Number {
var val = per * range + slider.minimum;
if(slider.snapTo != 0.0) {
val += slider.snapTo/2.0;
var rem =
Math.IEEEremainder(val, slider.snapTo);
val = val-rem;
An example of using a slider is in Listing 12.24. The value is bound to a local
variable called lvalue . This must be bound with inverse as a change to lvalue
will be reflected on the slider, and if the user changes the slider value , this will
in turn be reflected in lvalue . Failure to use the with inverse bind will result
in an exception.
Listing 12.24
Slider Usage
var scene:Scene;
var lvalue :Number = 50 on replace {
Stage {
title: "Slider"
width: 300
height: 80
scene: scene = Scene {
content: Slider {
translateY: 10
translateX: 10
height: 50
snapTo: 0.5
value: bind lvalue with inverse
width: bind scene.width-20
Figure 12.10 shows what the Slider looks like. Also, remember that because
Slider is a control, you can use cascading style sheets to control its appearance.
This includes the colors, knob size, and fonts. For more information on using
cascading style sheets, see Chapter 5.
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