Java Reference
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A slider is a visual component that has a knob that can be moved to change a
value between a minimum and a maximum. The user drags the knob to a new
value or just clicks on any point on the slider bar to immediately move the knob
to this position and set the value accordingly.
We implement this slider as a control with a corresponding skin. The main
Slider class contains variables to hold the value , along with minimum and max-
imum values. There are also two Boolean variables, showLabels and showTicks ,
to control whether to show the minimum, current value, and maximum labels,
and whether to show the tick lines. Lastly, there is a variable, snapTo , that deter-
mines the rounding precision for the value. When the value is dragged or other-
wise set clicking on the slider bar, the value will be rounded to this precision.
The Slider class is shown in Listing 12.22.
Listing 12.22
Slider - Control
public class Slider extends Control {
public var value : Number;
public var minimum : Number = 0;
public var maximum : Number = 100;
public var showTicks : Boolean;
public var showLabels : Boolean;
public var snapTo : Number = 0.0;
init {
skin = SliderSkin {};
The SliderSkin class contains a rounded rectangle for the slider bar, a rectangle
for the knob, some lines for the tick marks, and some Text objects for the labels.
What is most interesting is how the drag operation works.
To make the drag work on the knob rectangle, you need to add functions for
mouse pressed, released, and dragged events. First, when the mouse is pressed,
we need to save the current horizontal location of the knob into the saveX vari-
able as a starting reference point for the drag. Another variable, controlX ,
defines the current horizontal location of the knob, this is changed based on the
value instance variable as a percentage of the value to the total value range.
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