Java Reference
In-Depth Information
FXLocal.ObjectValue obj =
Or, if you need to initialize some of the objects instance variables:
FXLocal.ObjectValue obj =
(ObjectValue) classRef.allocate();
obj.initVar("x", context.mirrorOf(-1.0));
obj.initVar("y", context.mirrorOf(-1.0));
After the object instance is created, you can get instance variables via the
FXClassType getVariable() methods and access the class functions via the get-
Function() methods. To set the x and y instance variables in javafx.geometry
.Point2D , you must first get the FXVarMember for the x and y instance variables,
and then set their respective values:
FXVarMember xVar = classRef.getVariable("x");
FXVarMember yVar = classRef.getVariable("y");
xVar.setValue(obj, context.mirrorOf(25.0));
yVar.setValue(obj, context.mirrorOf(50.0));
The context.mirrorOf() function wrappers the value with a proxy that uses
the local VM to handle the reflection.
If you have a Java method parameter that is a JavaFX object, you convert that to
a FXLocal.ObjectValue using context. mirrorOf as shown in Listing 11.6.
Listing 11.6
JavaFX Reflection
public static void manipulate(
javafx.geometry.Point2D point ) {
FXLocal.Context context = FXLocal.getContext();
FXClassType classRef =
context.findClass( point.getClass().getName() );
FXObjectValue obj = context.mirrorOf(point);
FXVarMember xVar = classRef.getVariable("x");
FXVarMember yVar = classRef.getVariable("y");
xVar.setValue(obj, context.mirrorOf(55.0));
yVar.setValue(obj, context.mirrorOf(777.0));
To invoke functions, get the FXFunctionMember object for the function, then
invoke it using the instance obj as shown in Listing 11.7.
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