Java Reference
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Let's examine the interaction of the progress bar immediately below the video as
shown in Figure 8.5.
Figure 8.5
Video Play and Progress Bar Interaction
This progress bar shows the elapsed percent of the video playback. This is done
by binding the media player's current time to the ProgressBar as illustrated in
Listing 8.7. The percent elapsed time is calculated by dividing the media player's
currentTime by the total duration of the media.
Listing 8.7
MediaPlayer - ProgressBar
content: ProgressBar {
height: 10
width: bind scene.width
percent: bind if ( != null and != null and > 0 and
mediaPlayer.currentTime.toMillis() > 0)
mediaPlayer.currentTime.toMillis() /
} else {
The left part of the ProgressBar has a button that rewinds the media by 10 sec-
onds each time it is pressed. This is an action of the ProgressBar called rewind .
Notice that the player must be paused, the currentTime is then set, and play is
resumed. Listing 8.8 is an example of how to implement this.
Listing 8.8
MediaPlayer - Rewind
rewind: function() {
mediaPlayer.rate = 1.0;
mediaPlayer.currentTime =
if( {
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