Java Reference
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Figure 6.26 shows the before and after effect on an image representing the flag
of Brazil.
Figure 6.26
Before and After Effects of Applying a DisplacementMap on an Image
Miscellaneous Color Adjustment Effects
The final two effects described in this chapter revolve primarily around the
manipulation of color. Because the publishing process converts images to gray-
scale, effectively defeating the intended outcome of these effects, we'll forego
furnishing sample images for this section.
One such effect, called SepiaTone , can be used to simulate the look of a faded
antique photo. It includes a level instance variable that takes a value ranging
from 0 to 1 controlling the intensity of the effect. Using our original Statue of
Liberty image and applying a SepiaTone to it can be described as follows:
ImageView {
image: Image {
url: "{__DIR__}liberty.jpg"
effect: SepiaTone { level: .7 }
We suggest you create a simple example or two to get a feel for how this effect
might be used.
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