Java Reference
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width: 100 height: 25
x: 30 y: 25
x: 10 y: 55
content: "Blend"
font: Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD,
FontPosture.REGULAR, 48);
Figure 6.20 displays the output generated by executing the code found in Listing 6.5.
Figure 6.20
BlendMode.SRC_OUT Effect
Figure 6.21 shows what happens when the SRC_OUT BlendMode found in Listing
6.5 is replaced with SRC_IN as represented by the following line of code:
mode: BlendMode.SRC_IN
Figure 6.21
BlendMode.SRC_IN Effect
Thus far, the effects examples in this chapter revolved around basic shapes,
neglecting a whole universe of content available to JavaFX in the form of
images. For the remainder of this chapter, we'll switch gears and use images
rather than shapes to demonstrate that effects can be applied to this type of con-
tent in the same fashion.
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