Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
subgenus Aborphysalis this species is very closely related to Haemaphysalis kyasa-
nurensis and Haemaphysalis formosensis by structural similarity. These two species
with aborensis form an aborensis group in this subgenus. H. formosensis is not
found in India. These three species differ from each other in degree of development
of spurs and dental formulae. In females of H. kyasanurensis,
the cornua are
pointed apically whereas in H. aborensis,
the cornua are shorter and rounded
Disease Relationship
There have been no records of involvement of this species in disease transmission
so far.
2.9 Subgenus Segalia
Santos Dias in 1963 proposed subgenus Fonsecaia for a single species, H. montgomeryi.
Later, in 1968, Santos Dias replaced it with Segalia. Segalia consists of two groups of
species, H. parva group and H. obesa group. As in Aborphysalis, immature Segalia
palpi are broader than those of adults.
In H. parva group, immature palpal segment II forms large, unique posteroven-
tral spurs and nymphal H. montgomeryi coxal spurs are unusually large. The adult
palpi are campanulate in male and broadly campanulate in female H. parva and
elongately campanulate in H. montgomeryi. The adult H. parva palpal segment III
ventral spur and coxal spurs are only moderately large. However, H. montgomeryi
palpal segment III spur is unusually elongate in male and even more in female. The
male H. montgomeryi coxal and trochantal spurs are all extraordinarily large and
the female coxal are moderately large.
H. parva group immatures are structurally similar to the most recently evolved
Rhipistoma immatures. Adults are similar to those of the subgenus Haemaphysalis
but are unspecialized in H. parva and specialized in H. montgomeryi.
The H. obesa group parallels in certain respect, the H. parva group. Immatures
have broadly campanulate palpi with a moderately large ventral spur on segment III
but lacking the segment II ventral spur characterizing the H. parva group and a mod-
erately large spur on coxa I. Adult palpi are compact or compact elongate and have
a moderately large ventral spur on segment III. Adult cornua are small or moderate
sized; however, immature cornua are relatively large except larval H. hirusta.
Keys to Identify Species of Subgenus Segalia
1. Palpi are compact; posterodorsal margin of palpal segment II is ridged while posteroven-
tral margin bears a greatly pointed; triangular spur is on palpal segment II; posterodorsal
margin of palpal segment III is plane while posteroventral margin of palpal segment III
shows a very much pointed, large and elongate spur reaching to the base of palpal segment
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