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To overcome this inconvenience, Santoso et al. (2011) proposed to modify the classical M-H
algorithm as follows:
a. A candidate realization ŝ is generated using the proposal PDF ( P p ). The candidate real-
ization ŝ is centered at the current realization s k .
b. Calculate the ratio r 1 = P t ( ŝ )/ P t ( s k ) and the ratio r 2 = P p ( s k | ŝ )/ P p ( ŝ | s k ), and then compute
the value r = r 1 r 2 .
c. If r ≥ 1, set s k +1 = ŝ ; otherwise, another candidate realization is generated. Candidate
realizations are generated randomly until the condition r ≥ 1 is satisfied.
d. Using the deterministic model, evaluate the value of the performance function G( s k +1 )
of the candidate realization that satisfies the condition r ≥ 1. If G ( s k +1 ) < C j (i.e., s k +1 is
located in the failure region F j ), one continues to retain the realization s k +1 obtained in
step c; otherwise, reject ŝ and set s k +1 = s k (i.e., the current realization s k is repeated).
These modifications reduce the repeated realizations and allow one to avoid the computa-
tion of the system response of the rejected realizations. This becomes of great importance
when the time cost for the computation of the system response is expensive (i.e., for the finite
element or finite difference models).
lISt oF SYMbolS
horizontal coordinate
vertical coordinate
mean value of a random variable or random field
standard deviation of a random variable or random field
μ ln
mean value of an underlying normal random variable or random field
σ ln
standard deviation of an underlying normal random variable or random field
l x
horizontal autocorrelation length of a random field
l y
vertical autocorrelation length of a random field
l lln x
horizontal autocorrelation length of an underlying normal random field
l lln y
vertical autocorrelation length of an underlying normal random field
number of terms in K-L expansion
eigenvalue of the covariance function
eigenfunction of the covariance function
vector of standard normal uncorrelated random variables
p 0
intermediate conditional failure probability
N s
number of simulations in each level of subset simulation approach
footing width
soil cohesion
angle of internal friction of the soil
soil unit weight
N c , N q ,
bearing capacity factors
and N γ
q u
ultimate bearing capacity
q s
footing vertical pressure
number of levels of subset simulation approach
P t
target probability density function
P p
proposal probability density function
P e
probability of exceeding a tolerable settlement
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