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⋅ ≤≤+
0 025
0 975
where t 0.025 and t 0.975 are, respectively, the 0.025 and 0.975 percentiles of the Student's
t - distribution with n − 1 DOF.
For the sample standard deviation, s , if Y is indeed normally distributed (again, which may
not be true), the standardized ( n − 1) s 2 2 is distributed as the χ-squared distribution with
( n − 1) DOF. An empirical example of this χ-squared distribution with 9 DOFs is shown in
Figure 1.8b . One can then establish the 95% confidence interval of σ 2 by
−⋅ ≤≤−⋅
0 975
0 025
where χ 0 025
. are, respectively, the 0.025 and 0.975 percentiles of the χ-squared
distribution with (n − 1) DOF.
and χ 0 975
. Bootstrapping
Equations 1.20 through 1.22 are based on the strong assumption that the data are nor-
mally distributed. In practice, we do not know the distribution of the data. We can test for
normality using the K-S test described below, but it would be convenient to obtain confi-
dence intervals for μ and σ without making an assumption on the distribution. The non-
parametric bootstrapping (Efron and Tibshirani 1993) is a general framework of obtaining
approximate samples from the sampling distribution of any statistics. Let the statistics
of interest be denoted by g(Y (1) , Y (2) , …, Y ( n ) ). For the sample mean, m, g(Y (1) , Y (2) , …,
Y ( n ) ) = (Y (1) + Y (2) + … + Y ( n ) )/ n . The steps for bootstrapping are as follows:
1. Resampling (Y (1) , Y (2) , …, Y ( n ) ) with replacement. Denote the resampled Y by (Y′ (1) , Y′ (2) ,
…, Y′ ( n ) ). It is noteworthy that after the resampling, there may be repetitive values in
(Y′ (1) , Y′ (2) , …, Y′ ( n ) ), because they are resampled with replacement.
2. Evaluate g(Y′ (1) , Y′ (2) , …, Y′ ( n ) ). This is a resampled g value.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to obtain B resampled g value. Note that B is distinctive from n .
The B resampled g values can be viewed as approximate realizations of the sampling dis-
tribution of g.
Again, we initialized by randn('state', 13) before executing normrnd(100, 20, 10, 1). The
sample mean, m = 101.84 and the sample standard deviation, s = 23.82. These are the point
estimates for μ and σ. However, it is not clear how large the statistical uncertainties are. Figure
1.10 shows the histograms of B = 1000 resampled m values and s values (B = 1000) based on
the bootstrapping procedure. The 95% confidence intervals of μ and σ can be estimated as
the interval bounded by the 0.025 and 0.975 sample percentiles of the resampled values. This
confidence interval is called the 95% bootstrap confidence intervals, and this method is called
the percentile method (Efron 1981). For μ, the 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [88.37,
115.58]. This can be compared to the 95% analytical confidence interval [84.80, 118.88]
based on Equation 1.21 . For σ, the 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [15.51, 27.90]. This
can be compared to the 95% analytical confidence interval [16.38, 43.49] based on Equation
1.22 . The difference between the bootstrap and analytical confidence intervals is due to the
small sample n = 10. The problem of “insufficient coverage” for bootstrap confidence intervals
of σ was discussed in Schenker (1985): the probability for the bootstrap confidence interval to
cover the actual value of σ is lower than expected. This problem may occur when the sample
size (n) is small. The bootstrap method is based on the assumption that the discrete samples
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