Environmental Engineering Reference
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on geotechnical reliability as illustrated in Section 2.5. To facilitate the applications of the
copula theory for nonspecialists such as geotechnical engineers, the MATLAB codes for
identifying the best-fit marginal distributions and copulas using AIC and BIC are appended.
2.4 SIMulatIng bIVarIate DIStrIbutIon oF
Shear Strength ParaMeterS
With the identified best-fit marginal distributions and copula, the bivariate distribution of
shear strength parameters is readily determined using Equations 2.5 and 2.6 . In this sec-
tion, the simulation of the bivariate distribution of shear strength parameters is presented.
Section 2.4.1 summarizes the simulation algorithms of copulas and bivariate distribution. A
comparison between the simulated data and measured data underlying the bivariate distri-
bution of shear strength parameters is presented in Section 2.4.2.
2.4.1 algorithms for simulating bivariate distribution
The algorithms for generating m samples u m ×2 = [ U 1 , U 2 ] from a specified copula and
X m ×2 = [ X 1 , X 2 ] from a bivariate distribution are presented below. All the algorithms require
samples of two independent standard normal vectors. Each vector contains m standard nor-
mal random variables of zero mean and unit variance. Gaussian copula
1. Simulate two independent standard normal vectors Z m ×2 = [ Z 1 , Z 2 ]. This can be
obtained using MATLAB: z = randn (m,2) and MATLAB function ra n d n('state',1)
is used to fix the initial seed. If the sample size m is small, the MATLAB command
z*inv(chol(cov(z))) is further adopted to eliminate the sampling correlations under-
lying the simulated Z m ×2 .
2. Find the Cholesky decomposition Q of r , in which r = [1 θ; θ 1] is a correlation matrix
containing the Gaussian copula parameters θ and Q = [1 θ; 0 (1−θ 2 ) 0.5 ] is an upper tri-
angular matrix. This can be done by applying the MATLAB function chol as below:
Q = chol( r ) (see Section 1.3.4 of Chapter 1) .
3. Set y = ZQ . Then two correlated standard normal vectors y m ×2 = [ Y 1 , Y 2 ] are obtained.
4. Set u = Φ( y ), in which Φ is the CDF of a standard normal variable. This can be
obtained using MATLAB: u = normcdf ( y ). Then two correlated standard uniform
vectors are obtained as u m ×2 = [ U 1 , U 2 ] belonging to the Gaussian copula. Plackett copula
1. Simulate two independent standard normal vectors Z m ×2 = [ Z 1 , Z 2 ]. This can be obtained
using MATLAB: z = randn (m,2) and MATLAB function ra n d n('state',1) is
used to fix the initial seed. If the sample size m is small, the MATLAB command
z*inv(chol(cov(z))) is further adopted to eliminate the sampling correlations
underlying the simulated Z m ×2 .
2. Set v = Φ( Z ). Then two independent standard uniform vectors v m ×2 = [ V 1 , V 2 ] are
obtained. This can be realized from MATLAB using v = normcdf ( Z ).
3. Set
a = V 2 (1 − V 2 ),
b = θ + a (θ − 1) 2 ,
c = 2 a ( V 1 θ 2 + 1 − V 1 ) + θ(1-2 a ), and d =
) (e.g., Nelsen 2006).
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