Agriculture Reference
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interest in certified organic agriculture, where they would be peculiar or
alone in farming circles. Organic farming was a growing movement in
Kerala, he emphasized, and increasingly supported at the state level.
George then turned to one of the atendees, Nina, who had announced
earlier that she was involved in Kudumbashree, the LDF's local political
engagement initiative for women. He suggested that she broach the issue
of organic farming in that organization, and put botom- up pressure on
the state government and political parties to further increase organic
farming projects in the state. “You can influence politics,” he said to her,
hoping to take advantage of the decentralized local political channels in
Wayanad. Nina had nodded. She was a new organic farmer herself, hoping
to make her land more productive and earn more income for her family.
George's request to Nina stemmed partially from Organic Wayanad's
existing and growing political work. Several organic farmers in the ICS
were beginning to feel politically confident enough to lobby for their in-
terests at the state capital. In 2010, they prepared and delivered a memo-
randum of understanding to the Chief Minister, requesting remuneration
for losses endured by farmers who were engaged in organic agriculture.
One of the farmers told me that he had not considered himself active po-
litically before becoming engaged in organic farming, which had empow-
ered him and his community.
George's comments also illustrate the fact that existing organic farm-
ers have been observing the progress of Kerala's organic farming policy
with interest. His discussion with Nina in reference to Kudumbashree,
the local-level institution, also exemplifies how farmers in the state are
taking advantage of the momentum from decentralization to put greater
and ongoing pressure on the state government to continue its experimen-
tation with organic agriculture.
Organic agricultur e is reembedding market-driven agriculture
into social and ecological relations in Kerala, as farmers become more
empowered to participate in globalized commodity chains on favorable
terms and in the state's decentralized planning processes.62 Both the or-
ganic farming policy and organic certification have also been crucial in
transforming agriculture in the state to become more self-suicient and
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