Database Reference
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Boolean, default value FALSE , when set to TRUE enables the auditing of SQL statements directly
issued by users connected as SYSDBA or SYSOPER . SQL statements run within PL/SQL functions
or procedures are not written to the audit trail.
In a CDB, the scope of the settings for AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS is the CDB. The audit
trail is provided per PDB in a CDB but AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS is not configurable for
individual PDBs.
The AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL parameter, which is a string value with no default, writes SYS and
standard OS audit records to the system audit log using the SYSLOG OS utility. There are
multiple possible values for this parameter, and you can enter multiple occurrences of this
parameter in the init.ora ile.
If AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL is set and AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS = TRUE , then it overrides the
AUDIT_TRAIL parameter and SYS audit records are written to the system audit log. If AUDIT_
SYSLOG_LEVEL is set and AUDIT_TRAIL = os , then standard audit records are written to the
system audit log.
In a CDB, the scope of the settings for AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL is the CDB. The audit trail is
provided per PDB in a CDB, but AUDIT_SYSLOG_LEVEL is not configurable for individual PDBs.
The AUDIT_TRAIL parameter enables or disables database auditing. Values can be NONE , OS ,
NONE This is the default if you created the database using a method other than the DBCA,
for example, manually.
OS This is the Oracle-recommended value it and writes audit records to an operating
system file.
DB This is the default if you created the database using Database Configuration Assistant,
and it writes audit records to the SYS.AUD$ table, except for those records that are always
written to the OS audit trail.
"DB, EXTENDED" This is the same as AUDIT_TRAIL=DB plus the SQL bind and SQL text
CLOB-type columns of the SYS.AUD$ table when available. If the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter
was set to DB, EXTENDED and the database was started in read-only mode, the AUDIT_TRAIL
is internally set to OS .
XML This writes in XML format to the OS audit file and writes all elements of the
AuditRecord node except Sql_Text and Sql_Bind .
"XML, EXTENDED" This includes AUDIT_TRAIL=XML plus SQL text and SQL bind information.
SQL AUDIT This overrides the AUDIT_TRAIL setting.
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