Database Reference
In-Depth Information
e xe RCiSe 11.1 (continued)
You can also generate a script to recompile the invalid objects by spooling the results
of this query:
select 'alter '||object_type||' '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile;'
from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID'
Now run the script as SYS until there are no more invalid objects returned by the
first query.
14. Run scripts to install additional options, depending on the additional features and
options required for this CDB.
15. Back up the database.
16. Enable automatic instance startup. Here's the Windows way to do it:
Specify -SPFILE if you want the instance to read the spfile on auto-startup.
Now that you've created a CDB using SQL*Plus, you can add PDBs using the methods
described in the upcoming sections.
At the time of this writing, catcdb.sql and catcdb_int.sql were omitted
from the release. The files can be downloaded as part of a patch
from Oracle Support. Also confirm that Perl is in your path. If you are unable
to create the CDB using SQL*Plus, take advantage of the DBCA to accom-
plish the same task.
Creating a PDB Using Different Methods
In the upcoming sections we will demonstrate how to create PDBs using SQL*Plus and
the DBCA. Also, we will further discuss the different sources of PDBs that you may be
required to use to create a PDB, for example:
Using the seed database in the CDB: PDB$SEED
Cloning an existing PDB
Plugging an unplugged PDB into a CDB
Creating a PDB by moving a non-CDB into a PDB
We will demonstrate creating a PDB from the PDB$SEED using both the DBCA and the
SQL*Plus command line.
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