Database Reference
In-Depth Information
e xe RCiSe 11.1
Creating a New CDB Using SQl*Plus
In this exercise you will create a new CDB on a Windows 7 server, using Oracle Managed
Files. This is meant to be a simplified example and does not include all available parameters
and features. We will follow the basic steps outlined in the Database Administrators Guide:
1. Specify an instance identifier (SID) unique to this server and database domain.
2. Set the required environment variables. ORACLE_HOME is required on some operating
C:\ set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_2
3. Determine the database administrator authentication method. By default, in the
Windows OS the user who installed the Oracle RDBMS software is automatically
added to the Administrators group, so no additional steps are necessary.
4. Create the initialization parameter file ( init.ora ) and database directory folders. In
the admin\<ORACLE_SID>\pfile directory for the new database, create the init.ora
file: Here's an example of an Oracle-supplied init.ora file:
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# Cache and I/O
# Cursors and Library Cache
# Database Identification
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