Database Reference
In-Depth Information
ADR base = "C:\app\oracle"
Note here that the current ADR base is listed. It is possible on some systems that you
might have more than one ADR base (for example, if you have more than one version of
Oracle installed).
The ADRCI command line has a number of commands available for you to use. The
command list is long, so we are not going to attempt to repeat it here. There are a few
basic commands that you will want to be aware of, and these are listed in TableĀ 6.4.
Many other commands and functionality exist through the use of the ADRCI interface.
TABleĀ 6.4 Commonly Used ADRCI Commands
Display the ADRCI help screen. You can add the command name
to the end of the Help command and help will be provided for that
specific command.
Provides the ability to set various internal variables in ADRCI.
Show homes
Displays the available ADRCI homes.
Set homepath
By default, HOMEPATH is set to NULL . Thus if you run an ADRCI inquiry,
the results will come from all ADR homes under the current ADR
base directory. Use the set homepath command to further refine the
ADR home that you wish to pull information from.
For example, assume that you have the following directory structures
in AWR:
In this case, by default both directories are ADR homes. So if you
request information from the ADR, it will return information from both
instances. You can use the set homepath command to indicate that
you want just one of the directories to be considered the ADR home
for the purposes of the ADRCI commands you intend on running.
Show alert
Displays the alert log contents. Includes the optional parameter
-tail n , which allows you to tail the last n number of rows, and tail
-f , which feeds constant output as it is written to the output file.
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