Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The fact that the ADR can grow quite large implies that some space man-
agement may be required from time to time. This would be something
you would consider as a part of the various maintenance processes to be
implemented on an active database system.
The Oracle ADR
The ADR is a standardized set of directories that are functionally defined within the ADR
framework. This means that each directory location has a specific purpose and stores specific
types of files. The root directory of the ADR is called the ADR_BASE . This location is defined
by the database parameter DIAGNOSTIC_DEST . The DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter is set in one
of the following ways:
By directly setting the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter in the database parameter file.
This will cause the directories related to ADR to be created under the directory
defined in the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST directory. The name of the root directory will be
■■ By setting the Oracle OS environment variable ORACLE_BASE . In this case, the
DIAGNOSTIC_DEST directory will be created under the ORACLE_BASE directory.
The name of the root directory will be $ORACLE_BASE/diag .
If ORACLE_BASE is not set, then DIAGNOSTIC_DEST will be located under ORACLE_HOME
(i.e., $ORACLE_HOME/diag ).
The location where the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is assigned is known as the ADR BASE directory.
All other ADR directories are created and written to under this ADR BASE directory.
Under ADR BASE , there is a series of directories that are predefined and are used to store
specific types of data. The standardized ADR directory structure is shown in Figure 6.1.
For example, let's say you have set the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter in your database
to the location /u01/app/oracle . The ADR directory structure that Oracle would create
would begin at /u01/app/oracle , which would become the ADR_BASE .
Under the ADR_BASE , there will be several ADR_HOME directories. Each of these ADR_HOME
directories is specific to a given component that writes into that structure. For example,
assume that you have created a database called orcl . Further, assume that this is an RAC
database and that there are two instances, orcl1 and orcl2 . In this case, there are essen-
tially two unique ADR_HOME directories that will be defined. Thus, you have two different
defined locations for your orcl RAC database, as shown in Table 6.2.
TABle 6.2 ADR Directory Locations
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