Database Reference
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TABleĀ 3.3 RMAN Commands (continued)
RMAN Command
Display the current CONFIGURE settings.
Shut down the target database. This command is equivalent to the
S Q L* P l u s SHUTDOWN command.
Write RMAN output to a log file.
Execute a SQL statement from within RMAN (not required in Ora-
cle Database 12 c in most cases).
Start up the target database. This command is equivalent to the
S Q L* P l u s STARTUP command.
Specify that a data file copy is now the current data file, that is, the
data file pointed to by the control file. This command is equivalent
to the SQL statement ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE as it applies
to data files.
UNREGISTER DATABASE Unregister a database from the recovery catalog.
A subclause specifying an upper limit by time, SCN, or log
sequence number. This clause is usually used to specify the
desired point in time for an incomplete recovery.
Upgrade the recovery-catalog schema from an older version to the
version required by the RMAN executable.
Examine a backup set and report whether its data is intact. RMAN
scans all of the backup pieces in the specified backup sets and
looks at the checksums to verify that the contents can be success-
fully restored.
In Oracle Database 12 c , a new feature has been introduced that simplifies execution of
SQL commands from the RMAN command line. You might have noticed the SQL command
prompt. In previous versions of RMAN you would need to use the SQL command to execute
a SQL statement. The SQL command would be enclosed in single quotes, like this:
RMAN> SQL 'alter system archive log current';
In Oracle Database 12 c , RMAN provides the ability to execute SQL statements just as if
you are in SQL*Plus. So, you can now execute the same select statement like we just did, but
without the SQL command prompt or the single quotes, like this:
RMAN> alter system archive log current;
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