HTML and CSS Reference
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Our maroon and yellow background colors can also be stated as HSL color values, as
shown here.
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1. .task {
2. background: hsl(0, 100%, 50%) ;
3. }
4. .count {
5. background: hsl(60, 100%, 100%) ;
6. }
HSL color values, like RGBa, may also include an alpha, or transparency, channel with
the use of the hsla() function. The behavior of the alpha channel is just like that of the
rgba() function. A fourth value between 0 and 1 , including decimals, must be added to
the function to identify the degree of opacity.
Our shade of orange as an HSLa color set to 50% opaque would be represented as
hsl(24, 100%, 100%, .5) .
The same 25% opaque maroon background color and 100% opaque yellow background
color from before would look like the following as HSLa color values.
Click here to view code image
1. .task {
2. background: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, .25) ;
3. }
4. .count {
5. background: hsla(60, 100%, 100%, 1) ;
6. }
The HSL color value is the newest color value available within CSS. Due to its age and
support within browsers, though, it isn't as widely used as the other values.
For the time being, hexadecimal color values remain the most popular as they are widely
supported; though when an alpha channel for transparency is needed, RGBa color values
are preferred. These preferences may change in the future, but for now we'll use hexa-
decimal and RGBa color values.
Length values within CSS are similar to colors in that there are a handful of different types
of values for length, all of which serve distinct purposes. Length values come in two dif-
ferent forms, absolute and relative, each of which uses different units of measurement.
We're going to stick to the more common—and more straightforward—values at the mo-
ment, as more complex values will provide much more power than we need for now.
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