HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Within CSS, classes are denoted by a leading period, . , followed by the class attribute
value. Here the class selector will select any element containing the class attribute value
of awesome , including both division and paragraph elements.
1. .awesome { ... }
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1. <div class="awesome" >...</div>
2. <p class="awesome" >...</p>
ID Selectors
ID selectors are even more precise than class selectors, as they target only one unique ele-
ment at a time. Just as class selectors use an element's class attribute value as the select-
or, ID selectors use an element's id attribute value as a selector.
Regardless of which type of element they appear on, id attribute values can only be used
once per page. If used they should be reserved for significant elements.
Within CSS, ID selectors are denoted by a leading hash sign, # , followed by the id at-
tribute value. Here the ID selector will only select the element containing the id attribute
value of shayhowe .
1. #shayhowe { ... }
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1. <div id="shayhowe" >...</div>
Additional Selectors
Selectors are extremely powerful, and the selectors outlined here are the most common
selectors we'll come across. These selectors are also only the beginning. Many more ad-
vanced selectors exist and are readily available. When you feel comfortable with these se-
lectors, don't be afraid to look into some of the more advanced selectors.
All right, everything is starting to come together. We add elements to a page inside our
HTML, and we can then select those elements and apply styles to them using CSS. Now
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