HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
When an element is placed inside of another element, also known as nested , it is a good idea
to indent that element to keep the document structure well organized and legible. In the pre-
vious code, both the <head> and <body> elements were nested—and indented—inside
the <html> element. The pattern of indenting for elements continues as new elements are
added inside the <head> and <body> elements.
Self-Closing Elements
In the previous example, the <meta> element had only one tag and didn't in-
clude a closing tag. Fear not, this was intentional. Not all elements consist of
opening and closing tags. Some elements simply receive their content or behavior
from attributes within a single tag. The <meta> element is one of these elements.
The content of the previous <meta> element is assigned with the use of the
charset attribute and value. Other common self-closing elements include
The structure outlined here, making use of the <!DOCTYPE html> document type and
<html> , <head> , and <body> elements, is quite common. We'll want to keep this doc-
ument structure handy, as we'll be using it often as we create new HTML documents.
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