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Battery consumption : quantifies the energy expenditure of portable devices and
how this affects their continuous operation time.
Memory and CPU usage : considers limitations regarding memory and CPU
requirements. It is critical for instance in systems that share resources with others
applications (e.g. in smartphones, personal computers).
Obstrusivity : evaluates how comfortable is the system for the user (e.g. sensors
location and weight, presence of wires, fitting time, etc.)
User's privacy : examines whether the system protects the accessed personal data
of its users from external sources.
Number and type of classes the system is able to classify.
Number and type of sensors required for the recognition of activities.
Modular design : indicates whether or not the system allows its integration with
others or the adaptation of new sensors and devices.
2.6 Summary
In this chapter we described the background required to contextualize the problem
of HAR. We first covered the fields of application our research work is targeting to:
AAL and AmI which are human-centered areas aiming to improve people's QoL
through the use of smart technologies. Then, we explored three implementation
considerations that constitute themain building blocks involved in the development of
our proposedHAR systems. These are: Sensing devices, with focus on inertial sensors
(accelerometers and gyroscope), for the detection of physical activity; smartphones,
the recent everyday use device with strong computing capabilities now exploited as
a novel service provider (HAR in our case); and the intelligence behind our systems
provided by SVMs.
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