Game Development Reference
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handle (or something) because when we loaded it up, the graphics were
missing. The whole screen was solid colors, and the characters were rep-
resented by clusters of solid color hit boxes. Due to an error, Street Fighter
had become visually abstract!
One might think that the game was unplayable in this state, but since
we were both already seasoned Street Fighter players, we really didn't
miss the theme at all. The game was just as playable, and might actually
have been a little bit clearer (since hit boxes don't line up with character
artwork 100%—hit boxes are always rectangular, for instance). The point
is that once a player knows a game well you can subtract the theme, and
as long as different things can be distinguished from each another the
game will still work just as well.
Finally, I need to mention that the other reason to include a theme is
attractiveness. This is a book about how to design better games, not how
to increase sales, but a sad reality about the current world is that games
(especially digital games) with a more abstract look can be a tough sell.
Having a theme can be a great way to make your game feel more inviting,
especially to more casual players. The challenge is figuring out how to
add a theme without detracting from your gameplay.
Inherent versus Emergent Complexity
Understanding the difference between inherent complexity and emer-
gent complexity is crucial for any game designer, and extremely useful for
anyone who enjoys games. Because a game is simply a ruleset, the game
(or perhaps the match , a session of a game) doesn't “happen� until some-
one plays it. Situations, problems, and patterns emerge naturally from
the set of rules during gameplay. This complexity is therefore emergent
complexity. This is in contrast to inherent complexity, which is complex-
ity of the ruleset itself.
To illustrate, let's compare the two abstract strategy board games
chess and Go. In chess, what are some of the basic rules? There are many,
so let's look only at the rules for one piece, the pawn.
Pawns can move one space, except when they're moving from the
starting position, in which case they can move two spaces.
Pawns can capture enemy pieces on a forward diagonal move.
Pawns have a move called en passant , which allows them to cap-
ture enemy pawns that have just moved from the starting posi-
tion by moving diagonally past them.
Pawns can be promoted to other pieces if they reach the oppo-
nent's end of the board.
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