Databases Reference
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The size of database protocol packets sent by the database driver to the data-
base server must be equal to or less than the maximum database protocol packet
size allowed by the database server. If the database server accepts a maximum
packet size of 64KB, the database driver must send packets of 64KB or less.
Typically, the larger the packet size, the better the performance, because fewer
packets are needed to communicate between the driver and the database. Fewer
packets means fewer network round trips to and from the database.
For example, if the database driver uses a packet size of 32KB and the data-
base server's packet size is configured for 64KB, the database server must limit its
packet size to the smaller 32KB packet size used by the driver—increasing the
number of packets sent over the network to return the same amount of data to
the client (as shown in Figure 2-14).
Using 64KB Packets
Using 32KB Packets
Figure 2-14
Using different packet sizes
This increase in the number of packets also means an increase in packet
overhead. High packet overhead reduces throughput, or the amount of data that
is transferred from sender to receiver over a period of time.
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