Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-9
Even when you don't use Kerberos, database connections are performance-
expensive; they can require seven to ten network round trips (see the section,
“Why Connections Are Performance-Expensive,” page 11, for more details).
Using Kerberos comes with the price of adding more network round trips to
establish a database connection.
Performance Tip
To get the best performance possible when using Kerberos, place the
Kerberos server on a dedicated machine, reduce the networking services
run on this machine to the absolute minimum, and make sure you have
a fast, reliable network connection to the machine.
Data Encryption Across the Network
If your database connection is not configured to use data encryption, data is sent
across the network in a “native” format; for example, a 4-byte integer is sent
across the network as a 4-byte integer. The native format is defined by either of
the following:
The database vendor
The database driver vendor in the case of a driver with an independent pro-
tocol architecture such as a Type 3 JDBC driver
The native format is designed for fast transmission and can be decoded by
interceptors given some time and effort.
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