Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
100% Managed
ADO.NET Provider
ADO.NET Provider
.NET Managed
.NET Managed
100% Managed
.NET Provider
.NET Provider
Database Vendor
Client Libraries
Unmanaged Code
Figure 7-1
100% managed data provider versus “managed” data provider
Selecting .NET Objects and Methods
The guidelines in this section will help you to optimize system performance
when selecting and using ADO.NET objects and methods.
Avoiding the CommandBuilder Object
Because of concurrency restrictions, the CommandBuilder often generates ineffi-
cient SQL statements. In most cases, you can code statements yourself that are
more efficient than those the CommandBuilder generates. In addition, the
CommandBuilder object generates statements at runtime. Each time the
DataAdapter.Update method is called, the CommandBuilder analyzes the con-
tents of the result set and generates Insert / Update / Delete statements for the
DataAdapter . When you explicitly specify Insert / Update / Delete statements,
this extra processing step is eliminated.
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