Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Updating Data
Use the guidelines in this section to manage your updates more efficiently.
Using Positioned Updates, Inserts, and Deletes ( updateXXX Methods)
Positioned Updates , Inserts , and Deletes , which are implemented using the
updateXXX methods of the ResultSet object, are useful for GUI applications
that allow application users to scroll through a result set, updating and deleting
rows as they go. The application simply supplies the column in the result set to be
updated and the data to be changed. Then, before moving the cursor from the
row in the result set, the updateRow() method is called to update the database.
For example, in the following code, the value of the Age column of the
ResultSet object rs is fetched using the getInt( ) method, and the
updateInt( ) method is used to update the column with an int value of 25. The
updateRow() method is called to update the row in the database with the modi-
fied value.
int n = rs.getInt("Age");
// n contains value of Age column in the resultset rs
rs.updateInt("Age", 25);
Positioned updates typically are faster than updates using SQL commands
because the cursor is already positioned on the row for the Select statement in
process. If the row must be located, the database usually can use a key (for exam-
ple, a ROWID for Oracle) that serves as an internal pointer to the row. In addition,
positioned updates reduce the need to write complex SQL statements to update
data, making the application easier to maintain.
Using getBestRowIdentifier() to Optimize Updates and Deletes
Some applications cannot be designed to take advantage of positioned Updates
and Deletes. These applications typically formulate the Where clause by calling
getPrimaryKeys() to use all searchable result columns or by calling
getIndexInfo() to find columns that may be part of a unique index. These
methods usually work but can result in fairly complex queries. For example:
ResultSet WSrs = WSs.executeQuery
("SELECT first_name, last_name, ssn, address, city,
state, zip FROM employees");
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