Graphics Programs Reference
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The plug-in functions by using two buttons for each thing that can be saved. Project will save your initial
project file. This is where you specify the filename you want to save the project as. For example, press the
Project button and name your file thumbnails_001 . Now when you press the P+ button, the script will save
a new version of your file, appending the next digit onto the filename. If you press P+, it will automatically
save a new project as thumbnails_002 . This protects against file corruption because you are not saving the
same file over itself. We will use the Model save function to save automatic increments of our model as
we create silhouette variations of it. Before we move on, we will set a hot key for the save button to speed
1. Press and hold the Ctrl and Alt keys and click the M+ button. ZBrush will prompt you for a hot key
assignment ( Figure 2-6 ).
2. Any key you press now will be assigned as the QuickSave model hot key. I chose Alt S. I try to keep
my hot keys clustered around the Alt key and the left side of the keyboard so that I can press them quickly
while I work.
Figure 2-6: ZBrush prompts for a hot key assignment.
We are now ready to move into the process of making a thumbnail sheet. Follow the steps below to start
generating thumbnails using ZBrush:
1. In ZBrush, set a large document size. In this case, I have set the document window to 1920 × 1440.
This larger document size will allow us to create several thumbnails on the same page ( Figure 2-7 ).
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