Graphics Programs Reference
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11. Expand the Mixer subpalette below the modifiers. Set the SSS slider to 100. The surface will become
very dark.
12. Set the S Exp slider to 0.8. This controls how much of the SSS effect comes through. Lower values
mean that more of the effect is visible, indicating a thinner surface. A setting of 0.8 is probably too low
for our lumbering Enforcer character, but at the moment, it will help you to see the effect more clearly
while you tweak.
13. Set the blend mode to Add and turn on Black. The Black button means that the SSS shader will be
composited on top of a black color, which means the other shaders will not affect the quality. In general,
this speeds up the rendering of the effect.
14. Press the BPR button to see a rendering of the SSS effect. It looks a little odd, but now that it is work-
ing, you can start building the skin material by combining it with the diffuse and specular shaders you've
already created ( Figure 10-17 ).
Figure 10-17: The Mixer determines how the colors of the Fresnel Overalay shader are used in the subsur-
face scattering effect. Adjust the settings and then render with BPR to see the result.
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