Graphics Programs Reference
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Painting Hair
We will now paint in hair on the character. While we want to give him a hairy appearance, it is not necessary
to paint every hair on his body—doing so would create a noisy or unappealing character. In this section, I
will show you a painterly approach to the character's hair, using some special brushes in the brush set sup-
plied on the DVD or download files.
Painting the Beard
We will start by painting a goatee on the character. I had always envisioned his face with a long, pointed
goatee. You will see how the addition of this form will further complete the shape language of the character's
head bringing the angles of his face to a much more acute point ( Figure 9-73 ).
Figure 9-73: Notice how the addition of the long pointed beard alters the angles of the face. It tends to
lengthen the long triangle of the face and changes the overall appearance of the character
1. Create a new layer and name it “goatee.” In the Brush menu, click the arrow in the upper right of the
menu to open the options.
2. Sketch in the general shape of the center long hairs with the same brush ( Figure 9-74 ). Select the brush
hard round 1 #2. With this brush we will sketch in single strands of hair. Dial back the opacity of the brush
to 50% and sketch in stray hairs (Figure 9-74). You may also want to sketch hairs along the jaw line as
well ( Figure 9-75 ) .
3. Select Large List to see the full brush names. Select the brush called streaks from the brush presets ( Fig-
ure 9-76 ) . Dial back the opacity to 65% and select a light gray color. You can hold the Alt key to invoke
the color sampler and actually sample a light value from the image itself.
4. Lower the brush diameter. We want to start to suggest short choppy stubble along the jaw line but the
brush is at the wrong angle. Open the Brush menu by clicking the icon here or clicking Window Brushes
(F3 hot key) ( Figure 9-77 ). Click the Brush Tip Shape menu and you will be able to adjust the brush tip
angle by clicking and rotating the crosshair. Rotate the brush to an angle congruent with the jaw line ( Fig-
ure 9-78 ) . With shirt strokes suggest choppy hairs along the jaw line.
Figure 9-74: Sketching in the center of the goatee
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