Graphics Programs Reference
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13. Since this is a “mermaid” and a feminine character, we will add a major secondary sexual characterist-
ic by giving the figure a bustline. This will immediately convey to most viewers that the figure is female
as opposed to male. The breasts are added by placing two Mesh Insert spheres on the ribcage ( Figure
7-34 ) . Be careful when placing the breasts that you do not treat them like spheres stuck on the front of the
body. These forms lay against the cylinder of the ribcage and should have a sense of weight.
14. Rotate to the side view and with the Move brush, bring the top of the breasts up to the collar bone.
They should take on a teardrop shape where the weight is in the bottom of the form. There should be a
definite sense of the tissue laying against the ribcage rather than being a large unnatural volume stuck on
the body ( Figure 7-35 ).
15. Remember that the muscles of the chest lay beneath the breast. The pectoral muscle needs to be appar-
ent where it extends from under the breast to attach to the upper arm ( Figure 7-36 ) . Use the Move brush
to create this form, which also serves as the front wall of the armpit. Dynamesh to combine the forms.
16. Using the Standard brush, sketch in the shape of the clavicles. At this stage, I also suggest the place-
ment of the eyes by creating two depressions on the head. These are not final details, just landmarks to
help me see while I work ( Figure 7-37 ).
Figure 7-34: Insert spheres to serve as the basis for the bust
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