Graphics Programs Reference
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toward the center was acceptable because it allowed a more aesthetically pleasing arrangement of the limbs.
I also feel the contrast between the multiple arms offsets any sense of balance created by a centered place-
Adjusting the Document Size
Using the golden rectangle to define our document size is a very simple process. We will create a golden
mean document by changing the proportions to a ratio that represents a golden ratio. Follow these steps to
create this document:
1. Go to Document and turn off Pro: this is the constrain proportions button. Set the document to 1600 ×
2592 resolution. This is a rectangle in the golden proportion. I think you will find this allows you to create
a very pleasing composition with a standing figure ( Figure 4-28 ) .
Figure 4-28: Turn off constrain proportion.
2. Disable the WSize button. This prevents ZBrush from resizing the document when you load the project
again ( Figure 4-29 ). Position the figure on the canvas and Save the project. You can upsize and downsize
this document by clicking the Double and Half buttons under the Document menu ( Figure 4-30 ) .
Figure 4-29: Disable WSize.
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