Graphics Programs Reference
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Tangents are another consideration when composing the figure for the final illustration. Tangents are points
where the figure crosses over itself or another object in the scene. You will recall from Chapter 2, “The
Character Portrait: Sculpting the Alien Mystic,” how important silhouette is in defining the character. Sil-
houette is also important in defining the character's pose. You want the pose to be clean in silhouette view.
If it isn't, the viewers will have to stop and untangle the figure in their minds to understand what they are
looking at. This will detract from the powerful initial read the viewer gets from the design. The first reaction
will not be awe, but frustration and confusion.
Figure 4-4 shows a few poses in silhouette. Note the tangents of the figure's arms in some of the poses.
You want to avoid areas where the arms intersect with the body and make the pose unclear. The circled
areas represent areas of tangency. Pose D is the clearest because it shows the physiological structure of the
creature without confusing the eye.
Figure 4-4: Here you can evaluate some poses in silhouette.
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