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drilling water discharged from seafood processing plant. The result showed that the
nanofiltration membrane (molecular weight cut-off, 200 Da) was effective for the removal of
natural organic matter and reducing the sulphate concentration in drilling water.
Approximately 89% of organic materials was rejected with this membrane. Furthermore, as a
fact that water composition can vary according to the season and drilling place, the use of
nanofiltration as a pre-treatment process also allows to standardize the water quality.
4. Summary
Fishery industry is one of the most important industrial sectors throughout the world. The
elimination of waste discharged from various fishery industries leading to environmental
pollutions is always unavoidable task. However waste prevention, minimization and
valorization and the use of energy-efficient technologies are more and more desirable options
in waste management as they are usually rich in organic matters. The controlling of raw
material, water and energy consumption, as well as the utilization of by-products and
reducing the effluent discharge lead towards exploring new area applications of membrane
filtration. In general, membrane filtration is used for concentration, fractionation and
purification. In aquaculture production, microfiltration can be employed for recovering
suspended particles and removing microorganisms from recycling water while reverse
osmosis is used for water desalination. In fishery processing, membrane filtration has been
involved in recovering valuable compounds (e.g. proteins, enzymes) and recycling of water.
In addition, ultrafiltration coupled with enzymatic reaction, known as membrane bioreactors
are successfully employed for converting by-products into high value and functional property
products such as chitooligosaccharides, bioactive peptides, etc. Membrane filtration also
plays an important role in wastewater treatment for fishery processing plant. In term of
membrane configuration or module, either hollow fiber or spiral wound membrane is often
preferred depending on the feed characteristics. In the case of strongly fouling or highly
viscous feed, tubular or plate and frame systems have to be applied. Generally, specific
components in the feed can be related to the fouling severity and mechanism; therefore, the
techniques to overcome fouling problem (e.g. by a pre-treatment) should be developed. With
the further development of membrane material, module design and great knowledge of
membrane fouling, membrane processes are of great potential to achieve desirable
requirements of the fishery industry.
Afonso, M.D. & Borquez, R. (2002). Review of the treatment of seafood processing
wastewater and recovery of proteins by membrane separation process-prospects of the
ultrafiltration of wastewaters from the fish meal industry. Desalination, 142 , 29-45.
Aguilar A.L.C. & Sant Anna G.L. (1988). Liquid effiuents of the canning industries of Rio de
Janeiro state- treatment alternatives. Environ. Technol Lett, 9 , 421-428.
Al-Sofi, M., Hassan, A.M., Dalvi, A.G.I., Mustafa, G. & Kither, M.N. (1998). Nanofiltration
as a means of achieving higher TBT of >120°C in MSF. Desalination, 118 , 123-129.
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