Java Reference
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String alert = context.getMessage("alert.checkout",
new Object[] { 4, new Date() }, Locale.US);
In the Main class, you can resolve text messages because you can access the application context
directly. But for a bean to resolve text messages, it has to implement either the ApplicationContextAware
interface or the MessageSourceAware interface. Now you can delete the message resolution from the
Main class.
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSourceAware;
public class Cashier implements MessageSourceAware {
private MessageSource messageSource;
public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) {
this.messageSource = messageSource;
public void checkout(ShoppingCart cart) throws IOException {
String alert = messageSource.getMessage("alert.checkout",
new Object[] { total, new Date() }, Locale.US);
1-9. Loading External Resources
Sometimes your application may need to read external resources (e.g., text files, XML files, properties
file, or image files) from different locations (e.g., a file system, classpath, or URL). Usually, you have to
deal with different APIs for loading resources from different locations.
Spring's resource loader provides a unified getResource() method for you to retrieve an external
resource by a resource path. You can specify different prefixes for this path to load resources from
different locations. To load a resource from a file system, you use the file prefix. To load a resource
from the classpath, you use the classpath prefix. You may also specify a URL in this resource path.
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