Java Reference
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return buffer.toString();
In Spring, a map is defined by the <map> tag, with multiple <entry> tags as children. Each entry
contains a key and a value. The key must be defined inside the <key> tag. There is no restriction on the
type of the key and value, so you are free to specify a <value> , <ref> , <bean> , <idref> , or <null> element
for them. Spring will also preserve the order of the map entries by using java.util.LinkedHashMap .
<bean id="sequenceGenerator"
<property name="suffixes">
<bean class="">
<constructor-arg value="http" />
<constructor-arg value="" />
<constructor-arg value="/" />
There are shortcuts to defining map keys and values as attributes of the <entry> tag. If they are
simple constant values, you can define them by key and value . If they are bean references, you can
define them by key-ref and value-ref .
<bean id="sequenceGenerator"
<property name="suffixes">
<entry key="type" value="A" />
<entry key="url">
<bean class="">
<constructor-arg value="http" />
<constructor-arg value="" />
<constructor-arg value="/" />
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