Java Reference
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<beans xmlns=""
Declaring Beans in the Bean Configuration File
Each bean should provide a unique name or id and a fully qualified class name for the Spring IoC
container to instantiate it. For each bean property of simple type (e.g., String and other primitive types),
you can specify a <value> element for it. Spring will attempt to convert your value into the declaring type
of this property. To configure a property via setter injection, you use the <property> element and specify
the property name in its name attribute. A <property> requires that the bean contain a corresponding
setter method.
<bean name="sequenceGenerator"
<property name="prefix">
<property name="suffix">
<property name="initial">
You can also configure bean properties via constructor injection by declaring them in the
<constructor-arg> elements. There's not a name attribute in <constructor-arg> because constructor
arguments are position-based.
<bean name="sequenceGenerator"
In the Spring IoC container, each bean's name should be unique, although duplicate names are
allowed for overriding bean declaration if more than one context is loaded. A bean's name can be
defined by the name attribute of the <bean> element. Actually, there's a preferred way of identifying a
bean: through the standard XML id attribute, whose purpose is to identify an element within an XML
document. In this way, if your text editor is XML-aware, it can help to validate each bean's uniqueness at
design time.
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