Java Reference
In-Depth Information
section. Each chapter demonstrates a topic with complete examples. The example within a chapter is
coherent, but examples are independent between chapters.
Sometimes when we want you to pay particular attention to a part within a code example, we will make
the font bold. Please note that bold doesn't reflect a code change from the last version. In cases when a
code line is too long to fit the page's width, we will break it with a code continuation character (
Please note that when you try out the code, you have to concatenate the line by yourself without any
Because the Java programming language is platform independent, you are free to choose any supported
operating system. However, some of the examples in this topic use platform-specific paths. Translate
them as necessary to your operating system's format before trying out the examples. To make the most
of this topic, you should install JDK version 1.5 or higher. You should also have a Java IDE installed to
make development easier. For this topic, the sample code is Maven-based. If you're running Eclipse and
you install the M2Eclipse plug-in, you can open the sample code in Eclipse, and the classpath and all
dependencies will be filled in by the Maven metadata.
Alternatively, IntelliJ IDEA features fantastic support for Maven. The company behind IntellIJ IDEA
has just released the IntelliJ Community Edition as this topic was going to press. This is a good open
source IDE that can open Maven projects with no hassle and should prove quite capable. Finally, newer
releases of Netbeans feature fantastic support for opening Maven projects. If you're building from the
command line, you will need Maven 2.1 or better. For some of these examples, you will have an easier
time running the samples using the Eclipse IDE because some of the SpringSource tooling supporting
many of these technologies is built on Eclipse.
Downloading the Code
The source code for this topic is available from the Apress web site ( ) in the
Source Code/Download section. The source code is organized by chapters, each of which includes one
or more independent examples.
Contacting the Authors
We always welcome your questions and feedback regarding the contents of this topic. You can reach
Gary Mak at an d visit his web site at . You can
reach Josh Long at an d visit his site at .
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