Environmental Engineering Reference
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The next chapters will describe a range of potential ways of thinking and tech-
nological approaches. We have to notice that happiness is our ultimate purpose,
economy and industry are intermediate, and natural resources are ultimate means
which support all our actions.
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Takeda, K. 2000. Stop the recycling. Seishun Publishers, Tokyo, Japanese book.
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Wackernagel, M., and W. Rees. 1995. Our ecological footprint: Reducing human impact on the
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WCED. 1987. Our common future . Oxford: Oxford University Press, UK.
Weitzsaecker, E. U., A. B. Lovins and L. H. Lovins 1998. Factor Four, Japanese Edition, Energy
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Yamamoto, 2001. Keynote Lecture at EcoDesign 2001 Tokyo.
Yoshida, T. 2009. Advanced decline country: Cuba . Tokyo: Tsukiji Shokan, Tokyo (Japanese
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