Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 1.9 Penetration of solar
photovoltaic energy in Japan
and some European countries
(% of electricity generated).
IEA ( 2013 )
emissions by 25 % (1990 baseline). The disruption following the 2011 earthquake
and tsunami led to the shutdown of nuclear power making this target difficult, and
the current government replaced the 2020 25 % reduction target with one allowing
a 3 % increase in CO 2 emissions. Japan already had a slower uptake of renewable
energy compared with European Union countries with more challenging targets
(Fig. 1.9 ), suggesting that stronger rather than weaker political leadership in this
area is still required to reduce the current high degree of fossil fuel dependency.
Water and Urban Environment Water is a special resource for life, industry and
the large cities and urban environments. This course studies the conservation, utili-
zation and circulation system of water based on different points of view, including
water quality, water quantity, pollution and remediation. The water environment
management methods for supporting the sustainable development of cities and soci-
ety are explored, with particular emphasis on the Asian countries of Japan, Korea,
China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. These issues are addressed at
the level of global water resources, the utilization and circulation of water to sup-
port life and industry. The management of water supply and sewage systems for
cities is also addressed. The role of environmental standards and risk assessment,
eutrophication problems and pollution and remediation of groundwater is also cov-
ered together with technological solutions using physical method (membranes),
chemical methods and biological methods.
Environmental Leader Training A further course aims at improving communica-
tion skills in English as a major international language. Students have practice in
expressing their opinions, debating, and negotiating for the purpose of boosting
their persuasiveness on the international stage. Contents of the course range from
a review of the dynamics of speaking and listening to practice in skills for reading
and writing. This includes a study of phonetics and pronunciation for confidence in
speaking, listening, and presenting. There is also exposure to the rhetoric of Eng-
lish both for organizing presentations and understanding academic research papers.
The emphasis is always on practical, authentic content. Another component of the
course is to heighten awareness of issues in intercultural communication. Frame-
works for analyzing and appreciating cultural differences are made available.
Through these lessons in effective communication in English, and by offering
opportunities for discussions and debates, the objective is to help students' language
and interpersonal skills. In particular, the course focuses on understanding different
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