Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1.2 Vision of the T-shaped environmental leader. (MOE 2008 )
resources, the global environment and economy may collapse, and among its rec-
ommendations was one to “ foster leaders in the global environment area ”. I25's
vision was that environmental leaders fostered in Japan would comprise “ Young
people from the world, including Asia ” who “will be actively involved in environ-
mental businesses of the world ” and “ contribute to the realization of the environ-
mental-friendly economy in their home countries.
Innovation 25 was followed up in the 'Plan for an Environmentally Leading Na-
tion' in 2008 which emphasized that global environmental problems pose a serious
challenge to humanity's well-being (Cabinet Office 2008 ). These analyses led both
the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and the Ministry of Education (MEXT) to
introduce Environmental Leader initiatives.
The MOE's response was the Environmental Leadership Initiative for Asian Sus-
tainability (ELIAS) in Higher Education (MOE 2008 ). Three types of environmen-
tal leader were envisaged:
1. Those capable of developing comprehensive strategies which integrate the envi-
ronment, the economy and society.
2. Environmental experts (pollution prevention, environmental assessment, protec-
tion and management).
3. Those whose primary skill is elsewhere but who have the ability to integrate their
own area of expertise with environmental and sustainability objectives.
The third category envisages leaders with a range of skills in the economy, but who
also have a commitment and motivation towards sustainability. Figure 1.2 illus-
trates the concept of this 'T-shape' leader; the horizontal bar reflects the knowledge
and commitment to sustainability, resting on top of the vertical bar representing
individual skills (management, researcher, policy-maker, engineer, etc.).
MEXT's response (through its Japan Science and Technology Corporation
(JST)) was the International Environmental Leaders Training Program (ELTP).
The ELTP establishes “ centers or systems to foster environment leaders, who will
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