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Cretaceous period sedimentary and intrusive deposits. Santa Rita B is located on the alluvial
deposit, a reality that makes characterizing a local strontium signature from geological
formations more difficult and underscores the importance of utilizing local fauna to obtain
a signature. In this instance, the “local” signature for the middle Chao Valley was calculated
as the mean of cuy strontium isotope results, plus or minus two standard deviations. Using
this methodology, the local range for Santa Rita B is 0.70502 e 0.70557 d a range that loosely
matches results published by Petford and colleagues ( Figure 15.5 ).
Upon examining strontium isotope data from six individuals with viable strontium
isotope ratios, several conclusions can be drawn. First, it is apparent that the local signature
for Santa Rita B can be revealed by evaluating geological data and locally raised faunal
sources. In addition, it appears as if two of the individuals included in this case study
were not born in the middle Chao Valley ( Figure 15.5 ). These results indicate that individuals
interred at CA3 were from multiple locations and that several of the individuals presenting
perimortem trauma were most likely interred a short distance from their place of birth.
The geographic origin of Entierros 4 and 11 is still poorly understood, as data from other
north coast localities are currently unavailable. While strontium isotope analysis presents
FIGURE 15.5 Strontium isotope signatures from human and cuy samples.
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