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To sum up, the safety of big data has drawn great attention of researchers.
However, there is only limited research on the representation of multi-source het-
erogeneous big data, measurement and semantic comprehension methods, modeling
theories and computing models, distributed storage of energy efficiency optimiza-
tion, and processed hardware and software system architectures, etc. Particularly,
big data security, including big data credibility, big data backup and recovery
technologies in various application fields, big data completeness maintenance
technology, and big data security technology should be further investigated.
The emergence of big data opens great opportunities. In the IT era, the “T”
(Technology) was the main concern, while technology derives the development of
data. In the big data era, with the prominence of data value and the advances in I
(Information), data will drive the progress of technologies in the future. Big data
will not only change the social and economic life, but also influence everyone's
ways of living and thinking, which is just beginning. We could not predict the future
but may take precautions for possible events to occur in the future.
Data With a Larger Scale, More Variety, and More Complex Structures : Although
technologies represented by Hadoop have achieved a great success, such tech-
nologies are definitely to fall behind and will be replaced given the rapid
development of big data. For example, the theoretical basis of Hadoop has
emerged as early as 2006. Many researchers have concerned ways to better
cope with larger-scale, more various kinds of, and more complexly structured
data. These efforts are represented by (Globally-Distributed Database) Spanner
of Google and fault-tolerant and expandable distributed relational database F1.
In the future, the storage technology of big data will be based on distributed
databases, support transaction mechanisms similar to relational databases, and
effectively handle data through grammars similar to SQL.
Data Resource Performance : Since big data contains huge values, mastering big
data means mastering resources. Through the analysis of the value chain of big
data, it can be seen that its value comes from the data itself, technologies, and
ideas, and the core is data resources. Without data technologies and ideas, values
could not be created. The reorganization and integration of different datasets can
create more values. From now on, enterprises that master big data resources may
obtain huge benefits by renting and assigning the rights to use their data.
Big Data Promotes the Cross Fusion of Science : Big data not only promotes the
comprehensive fusion of cloud computing, Internet of Things, data center, and
mobile networks, etc., but also forces the cross fusion of many disciplines. The
development of big data shall explore innovative technologies and methods in
big data acquisition, storage, processing, mining, and information security, etc.,
based on information science, and examine changes and impacts of big data on
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