Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• A navigation model that defines page navigation and the sequence in which pages
are loaded
This section briefly describes each of these pieces of the component architecture.
User Interface Component Classes
JavaServer Faces technology provides a set of UI component classes and associated beha-
vioral interfaces that specify all the UI component functionality, such as holding compon-
ent state, maintaining a reference to objects, and driving event handling and rendering for
a set of standard components.
The component classes are completely extensible, allowing component writers to create
their own custom components. See Chapter 6 , Creating Custom UI Components and Oth-
er Custom Objects , ” for more information.
The abstract base class for all components is
javax.faces.component.UIComponent . JavaServer Faces UI component
classes extend the UIComponentBase class (a subclass of UIComponent ), which
defines the default state and behavior of a component. The following set of component
classes is included with JavaServer Faces technology:
UIColumn : Represents a single column of data in a UIData component.
UICommand : Represents a control that fires actions when activated.
UIData : Represents a data binding to a collection of data represented by a
javax.faces.model.DataModel instance.
UIForm : Represents an input form to be presented to the user. Its child compon-
ents represent (among other things) the input fields to be included when the form
is submitted. This component is analogous to the form tag in HTML.
UIGraphic : Displays an image.
UIInput : Takes data input from a user. This class is a subclass of UIOutput .
UIMessage : Displays a localized error message.
UIMessages : Displays a set of localized error messages.
UIOutcomeTarget : Displays a hyperlink in the form of a link or a button.
UIOutput : Displays data output on a page.
UIPanel : Manages the layout of its child components.
UIParameter : Represents substitution parameters.
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