Java Reference
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FIGURE 26-1. Architecture of the Duke's Tutoring Example Application
The Duke's Tutoring application is organized into two main projects, the dukes-
tutoring-common library, and the dukes-tutoring-war web application. The
dukes-tutoring-common library project contains the entity classes and helper
classes used by the dukes-tutoring-war web application, and dukes-
tutoring-common is packaged and deployed with dukes-tutoring-war . The
library JAR file is useful for allowing the entity classes and helper classes to be reused by
other applications, such as a JavaFX client application.
Duke's Tutoring uses the following Java EE 6 platform features:
• Java Persistence API entities
• Java API for JavaBeans Validation (Bean Validation) annotations on the en-
tities for verifying data
• A custom Bean Validation annotation, @Email , for validating email ad-
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