Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The tut-install /examples/case-studies/dukes-bookstore/src/java/
dukesbookstore/ directory also contains a custom converter and other custom listen-
ers not specifically tied to the custom components:
Properties Files Used in Duke's Bookstore
The strings used in the Duke's Bookstore application are encapsulated into resource
bundles to allow the display of localized strings in multiple locales. The properties files,
located in the tut-install /examples/case-studies/dukes-bookstore/src/
java/dukesbookstore/web/messages/ directory, consist of a default file con-
taining English strings and three additional files for other locales. The files are as follows:
The language setting in the user's web browser determines which locale is used. The
html tag in bookstoreTemplate.xhtml retrieves the language setting from the
language property of LocaleBean :
<html lang="#{localeBean.language}"
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