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appclient -client client-jar/synchconsumerClient.jar queue
The client displays the destination type and then appears to hang, waiting for mes-
8. In a different terminal window, run the Producer client.
cd tut-install /examples/jms/simple/producer
appclient -client client-jar/producerClient.jar queue 3
When the messages have been sent, the SynchConsumer client receives them
and exits.
9. Now run the Producer client using a topic instead of a queue:
appclient -client client-jar/producerClient.jar topic 3
The output of the client looks like this (along with some additional output):
Click here to view code image
Destination type is topic
Sending message: This is message 1 from producer
Sending message: This is message 2 from producer
Sending message: This is message 3 from producer
10. Now run the SynchConsumer client using the topic:
appclient -client client-jar/synchconsumerClient.jar topic
The result, however, is different. Because you are using a topic, messages that were
sent before you started the consumer cannot be received. (See “ Publish/Subscribe
Messaging Domain ” on page 347 for details.) Instead of receiving the messages,
the client appears to hang.
11. Run the Producer client again.
Now the SynchConsumer client receives the messages (along with some addi-
tional output):
Click here to view code image
Destination type is topic
Reading message: This is message 1 from producer
Reading message: This is message 2 from producer
Reading message: This is message 3 from producer
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