Java Reference
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A message consumer allows a JMS client to register interest in a destination with a JMS
provider. The JMS provider manages the delivery of messages from a destination to the
registered consumers of the destination.
For example, you could use a Session to create a MessageConsumer for a
Destination object, a Queue object, or a Topic object:
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MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(dest);
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(topic);
You use the Session.createDurableSubscriber method to create a durable
topic subscriber. This method is valid only if you are using a topic. For details, see “ Creat-
ing Durable Subscriptions on page 364 .
After you have created a message consumer it becomes active, and you can use it to re-
ceive messages. You can use the close method for a MessageConsumer to make
the message consumer inactive. Message delivery does not begin until you start the con-
nection you created by calling its start method. (Remember always to call the start
method; forgetting to start the connection is one of the most common JMS programming
You use the receive method to consume a message synchronously. You can use this
method at any time after you call the start method:
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Message m = consumer.receive();
Message m = consumer.receive(1000); // time out after a second
To consume a message asynchronously, you use a message listener, as described in the
next section.
JMS Message Listeners
A message listener is an object that acts as an asynchronous event handler for messages.
This object implements the MessageListener interface, which contains one method,
onMessage . In the onMessage method, you define the actions to be taken when a mes-
sage arrives.
You register the message listener with a specific MessageConsumer by using the
setMessageListener method. For example, if you define a class named Listener
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