Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The GlassFish Server does not currently support this mechanism type.
Reauthentication support : Use the reauthentication-support element
to specify whether the resource adapter implementation supports reauthentication
of existing Managed-Connection instances. Options are true or false .
Security permissions : Use the security-permission element to specify a
security permission that is required by the resource adapter code. Support for se-
curity permissions is optional and is not supported in the current release of the
GlassFish Server. You can, however, manually update the server.policy file
to add the relevant permissions for the resource adapter.
The security permissions listed in the deployment descriptor are different from
those required by the default permission set as specified in the connector specific-
For more information on the implementation of the security permission specifica-
tion, see the security policy file documentation listed in “ Further Information about
Security on page 337 .
In addition to specifying resource adapter security in the ra.xml file, you can create a
security map for a connector connection pool to map an application principal or a user
group to a back-end EIS principal. The security map is usually used if one or more EIS
back-end principals are used to execute operations (on the EIS) initiated by various prin-
cipals or user groups in the application.
To Map an Application Principal to EIS Principals
When using the GlassFish Server, you can use security maps to map the caller identity of
the application (principal or user group) to a suitable EIS principal in container-managed
transaction-based scenarios. When an application principal initiates a request to an EIS,
the GlassFish Server first checks for an exact principal by using the security map defined
for the connector connection pool to determine the mapped back-end EIS principal. If
there is no exact match, the GlassFish Server uses the wildcard character specification, if
any, to determine the mapped back-end EIS principal. Security maps are used when an
application user needs to execute an EIS operation that requires execution as a specific
identity in the EIS.
To work with security maps, use the Administration Console. From the Administration
Console, follow these steps to get to the security maps page.
1. In the navigation tree, expand the Resources node.
2. Expand the Connectors node.
3. Select the Connector Connection Pools node.
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